
Woman Arrested for Smuggling Contraband and Drugs into local prison

CHIPPEWA COUNTY – A woman from Redford, Mich. has been arrested and arraigned in court after smuggling drugs and communications items into a correctional facility. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Sault Ste. Marie Post is announcing the arrest of 41-year-old Frances Ramirez-Huerta from Redford, for smuggling contraband into the Chippewa Correctional Facility […]

BMIC announces plans for new retail/housing development

BAY MILLS — As Bay Mills Indian Community moves forward with plans to revitalize the area where King’s Club Casino once operated, a new retail space will accompany nine second-floor apartments in the mixed-use facility. The former casino/tribal administration building, located on Lakeshore Drive, will be tentatively be demolished this […]

Fatal Snowmobile Crash in Schoolcraft County

Schoolcraft County, Michigan. A fatal snowmobile crash occurred last night in SchoolcraftCounty. On January 17, 2025, at approximately 7:20 PM, Michigan State Police (MSP) from theManistique Outpost responded to a snowmobile personal injury crash on the Haywire GradeTrail near Thunder Lake Road in Inwood Township. Some of the driver’s group, […]

Winter time at the Conservation District

While the snow may be falling and the days are short, the Conservation District is far fromdormant. In fact, these winter months are a time of intense activity, a period for laying thegroundwork for a successful and productive spring and summer. “People often ask me what we do in the […]

Soo Locks Closing for Seasonal Repair, Maintenance

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan will close to all marine traffic beginning 11:59 p.m. January 15, or until commercial traffic ceases, through 12:01 a.m. March 25 to perform seasonal critical maintenance. Federal regulation (33 CFR 207.440) establishes the operating season based on the […]

Free Snowmobile Weekend is Jan. 17-19

Discover (or rediscover) your love of winter trail riding this month, with a full weekend of free snowmobiling Jan. 17-19! For one winter weekend each year, you legally can ride without the requirement of a snowmobile registration or trail permit. Explore more than 6,000 miles of DNR-designated snowmobile trails, public roads and […]