
A Cat Wears Many Hats

As most of you know I’m Maverick and this is my column, “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone is well and enjoying summer. People probably think cats only have one job and that’s sleeping. I’m here to tell you that’s not true. I like to think of myself as a well-rounded […]

Enjoying Summer

Maverick here with the latest edition of “Cat Tales.” Here’s a pic of Spaghetti Betty. She’s adorable. She was caught without her signature smile though, that’s because she just woke up from a nap.  Spaghetti Betty and I want to take this time to remind you to take care of […]

The Things I Go Through

Hi Everyone. Maverick here with another exciting edition of “Cat Tales.” You’re probably wondering why I am dressed up like a flag. This is my friend, Spaghetti Betty’s work. She is making us costumes for July 4th, and she snapped this pic while doing a fitting. I think you know […]

Ivan’s In Trouble

Hi everyone. Here is the latest edition of “Cat Tales.” What a week it’s been for my mom. She says she feels like she is on a roller coaster. She got some good health news, but then a few days later she got bad news. It’s very stressful getting old […]

Spaghetti Betty Moves To Town

Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I have written my “Cat Tales” column. I have been super busy. You know how it is with great U.P. weather. Winter is a thing of the past, and it’s time to get out and enjoy the weather and all that the U.P. […]

The Slumber Party

Hi everyone. Maverick here with this week’s edition of “Cat Tales.” I’ve mentioned in past columns that I love when my mom tells me stories of the good old days, especially the ones involving my brothers. I want to share the one about my brother, Alex’s, slumber party. I love […]

The Monster Pillow

Hi everyone, Maverick here with the latest edition of “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone is having a cattastic week. I want to tell you about my mom and the monster pillow. My mom has been having a lot of problems with her asthma, and she decided to replace her old […]

I’m Pondering

Hi everyone. In case you don’t know me, by now, I’m Maverick, and this is my column “Cat Tales.” I like to write about what’s going on with my mom and me, but I also like to teach so I write informative things concerning cats. I think I would make […]

Waiting For The Eclipse

Hi everyone. I’m Maverick with this week’s edition of “Cat Tales.” I’m waiting for the eclipse. I keep looking out the window to see if anything is happening yet, but my mom says it won’t happen until Monday, April 8th. I told her that we should have a party and […]

Happy Easter

Hello everyone. Maverick here with the Easter Edition of Cat Tales. I have to say upfront that there was no way I was letting my mom put me in bunny ears for this week’s snapshot. A cat has to draw the line somewhere. I love my mom, but asking me […]