Mackinac Island will essentially be closed until May 1, at least, Mayor Margaret Doud announced Wednesday, April 8, as northern Michigan communities grapple with the continued spread of the novel coronavirus. “Listening to the governor, Michigan is in a very tough situation,” Mayor Doud said. “COVID- 19 is moving north.” […]
Local News
Enbridge seeks permit to build oil tunnel beneath Straits of Mackinac
MLive — Enbridge Inc. applied Wednesday for state and federal authorization to construct an oil pipeline tunnel beneath the Michigan waterway that connects two of the Great Lakes. The Canadian company wants to build a roughly 4-mile-long tunnel beneath the Straits of Mackinac. It would replace the underwater segment of […]
Chippewa County Sheriff elaborates on the public and his responsibilities under new Governor Order 2020-42
PRESS RELEASE – I have read over the Governor’s new order #2020-42. I have met with our Prosecutor to develop a plan on enforcement. The order has changed in such a way that we can enforce some of the issues directly affecting our communities. Attached is MCL 10.33 (the law […]
City closed Sherman Park for entire 2020 camping season
Chippewa County Joint Information Center issues warning on travel to the UP
CHIPPEWA COUNTY, Mich. — Chippewa County Health Department (CCHD) is strongly urging individuals to limit travel to the Upper Peninsula. For those who must come north, those individuals are asked to quarantine at home or elsewhere for fourteen (14) days from the time you arrive. To self-quarantine means you stay […]
Ontario hospitals ban health-care workers from criss-crossing borders to work
A massive surge in COVID-19 cases in Michigan is prompting Ontario border cities to confront difficult questions about how to reduce the spread of disease in hundreds of Canadian health-care professionals who work in the United States. Michigan had more than 15,700 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Sunday, surpassing […]
Chippewa County Sheriff addresses concern on tourists ‘heading north’ as COVID-19 spreads
CHIPPEWA COUNTY, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU) — The Chippewa County Sheriff is addressing community concerns after receiving complaints of people heading into the Upper Peninsula throughout the weekend. As of Monday, Chippewa County is reporting two confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 17, 221 cases being reported in Michigan. In a Facebook post […]
Reported COVID-19 positive cases in Upper Michigan
(WLUC) – Because of a lack of testing access and a lag in getting results, experts say there are likely many more cases in Upper Michigan, and that’s why it’s so important that everyone follows Gov. Whitmer’s “Stay Home” order. County health departments, the Michigan Department of Health and Human […]
Feeding American Delivers More Than 30,000 Pounds of Food to Sault Ste. Marie
( – Last week, Feeding America delivered 24,000 pounds of food to give away in Sault Ste. Marie and ran out of food before serving all those who attended. On Thursday, Feeding America came through with an extra 12,000 pounds of food that was sorted, boxed and given to those […]
Deadly Chippewa Co. Crash, Man Killed on 53rd Wedding Anniversary
Troopers from the Sault Ste. Marie Post were dispatched to investigate a fatal traffic crash involving two vehicles on Mackinac Trail in Chippewa County, Dafter Township. Preliminary investigation revealed the crash occurred shortly after 1pm when a driver of a passenger car was exiting a private driveway and drove […]