Canadian Snowbirds put on spectacular flypast to raise morale

The Canadian Forces Snowbirds, the Canadian equivalent of the Blue Angels, a highly skilled precision aerobatics team arrived in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario fifteen minutes behind schedule of their planned 10:30 am arrival. The show they put on was well worth the wait!

Rather heavy crowds gathered on both sides of the border to watch the flypast which is part of a cross-country tour the Snowbirds are doing to help boost morale as Canada continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Since last week, the Snowbirds have visited communities in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and parts of Ontario.

As they approached the city from the east, they performed a low, smoke-trailing pass over the mall area and then up through the west end, back around and then north to the rest of the city. Their final pass was a wide looping swoop around the city until they shut off the trailing smoke and headed for the Sault Airport for refueling prior to heading off to Thunder Bay. It was a short 20-minute show, but they were wonderful to watch.

The Canadian Forces (CF) Snowbirds, 431 Air Demonstration Squadron are a Canadian icon comprised of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and National Defense Public Service employees.

Pilots, technicians (aviation, avionics, aircraft structure, supply), mobile support operators, resource management support clerks, an engineering officer, a logistics officer and a public affairs officer representing all three elements (Army, Navy and Air Force), work as a team to bring thrilling performances to the Canadian public. Serving as ambassadors of the CAF, the CF Snowbirds demonstrate the high level of skill, professionalism, teamwork, discipline and dedication inherent in the men and women of the CAF and they inspire the pursuit of excellence wherever they go in North American.

Mark Krupiarz

Mark Krupiarz

Mark is the Publisher and Editor of EUP News. He acquired the site in March of 2011. To date, it is the ONLY locally owned and independently operated, and largest, news service in the eastern upper peninsula. Mark is retired from the Department of Corrections and has a degree is Criminal Justice. He enjoys photography, outdoors and family.

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