Police Chief Warns Against Virus Related Frauds & Scams

The COVID-19 virus pandemic is beginning to stretch the resources of volunteer organizations thin. One such group is the American Red Cross. While the Red Cross is asking for people to step up and donate blood; unfortunately, there are some out there that are using this emergency to perpetrate scams. 

The Department of Homeland Security through the FEMA Integration Team in Michigan is warning of a fraud currently being done in Indiana and may spread elsewhere. They have put out this advisory to Michigan law enforcement and em I’m ergency management agencies.

1) Attempting to sell Red Cross services to perform  a COVID-19 test

2) Solicit donations for COVID-19

3) Robbing the homeowner answering the door

The American Red Cross will not be going house to house offering COVID-19 testing, nor soliciting funds door to door.  Indiana State Police (ESF-13) is verifying the report in Lowell, IN.”

Law enforcement and emergency management officials encourage the public to assist organizations like the Red Cross in their efforts to help those in our community and nation. However, everyone needs to be mindful that there are people out there that will take advantage of an emergency situation to commit frauds. Avoid giving cash or a check to any uninvited solicitor that shows up at your home and never let a door to door solicitor inside.

Staff Report

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