Letters from the Past: John, Jr has a problem with wrist watches

July 04, 1944
Friday night

Co. A, 8 Bn., 2nd Regt.
Fort George Meade, Maryland
U.S. Army

Dear Ma and Pa,

I am going to be on k.p. tomorrow, so I thought I would drop you a few lines tonight. Do you know that watch that I was telling you that I bought? Well, it wouldn’t run very well, so I got it exchanged, and the next one that I got only ran for 8 minutes, so I went back again. Well, he couldn’t find what was wrong with it, so he gave me a different one, and the one that I have now is keeping darn good time.

Things have been awfully quiet around here. Tonight at supper we had nice large slices of watermelon, and that sure hit the spot.

I met a young paratrooper, who is in my barracks, who is from Iron Mountain, Michigan. His name is Scott, and we get along pretty good. He had a fight with a guy tonight, and the guy slashed his fingers with a razor. He gave him a beating though.

Well, it is quite late, and I have to be up early tomorrow morning. I hope this letter finds you all well, as I am the same.

Goodnight and bye for now,

Your son, John

Don’t forget to write.

Laurie Davis, Columnist
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Laurie Davis

Laurie Davis is a Christian writer based in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. She is an avid reader and letter writer. She is a non-furry parent to her two cats, Alex and Maverick. Her work has been featured throughout the United States and abroad. She appreciates all feedback and comments. You can reach her at lauriedavis@eupnews.com.

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